Monahans Artist Paints Ornament for Capitol Christmas Tree

AUSTIN — This Christmas, an ornament that highlights Monahans hangs on the Texas-grown Christmas tree in the State Capitol building. Robert Peña of Monahans designed and created the ornament, which captures the beauty of the sun setting in the West Texas sky behind silhouettes of pumpjacks and windmills.

"I am proud to have such a beautiful ornament to pay tribute to Monahans and the rest of House District 81 at the Capitol this Christmas," State Representative Brooks Landgraf said. "Mr. Peña works in the oilfield, but he has obviously still found time to become a fine artist, providing another example of a hard-working West Texan with many talents."

Rep. Landgraf & artist Robert Peña. Rep. Landgraf & wife, Shelby Landgraf.

The ornament will hang proudly on the 25-foot native Texas Christmas tree in the Texas House Chamber through the end of December.