EAGLE PASS — State Representative Brooks Landgraf (R-Odessa) joined several of his Texas House colleagues in Eagle Pass for an update on federal border security efforts and Operation Lone Star, which directs State resources and Texas law enforcement officers to the border to stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into Texas; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry. While in Eagle Pass, Landgraf took part in a helicopter flyover of the Rio Grande to see the buoy barrier system and witness the masses of migrants coming across the border. The delegation of House members was also briefed by DPS Director Steve McCraw on the status of current operations.
Buoy barrier in the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass, Texas.
“President Biden's dangerous open border policy has created an international humanitarian crisis that threatens U.S. national security,” Landgraf said. “Today was heartbreaking and infuriating as I personally witnessed the real human and economic costs of this dangerous policy. Additional local and state law enforcement officers from all over the country are descending on the region to help, leaving other communities, many of which are also along the border, understaffed and vulnerable. I’m proud Texas is stepping up to the plate but frustrated we have to do so at all. Every American should be thankful that Governor Abbott, Speaker Phelan and most of my colleagues in the Texas legislature are taking this threat seriously and, more importantly, taking meaningful action.”
Earlier this year, Landgraf supported efforts to increase state border security funding to $5.1 billion in the state budget for 2024 and 2025. His vote will help fund Operation Lone Star, a joint effort between the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Texas National Guard.
Rep. Landgraf surveying border operations from DPS helicopter.
“Mexico is now the United States’ number one trading partner, so delays at understaffed border crossings are slowing down commerce,” Landgraf continued. “There are waves of human beings, including women and very young children, showing up at our door in need of protection. At the same time, men with tattoos denoting clear gang affiliation are being granted ‘amnesty’ with impunity. This is an untenable situation threatening the lives and property of Texans as well as our national security and economic interests. Until President Biden wakes up, state leaders must continue doing everything we can to secure the border. We cannot stop fighting until Texas is secure.”
Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, the multi-agency effort has led to over 470,100 illegal immigrant apprehensions and more than 34,600 criminal arrests, with more than 31,600 felony charges reported. Texas law enforcement has also seized over 431 million lethal doses of fentanyl during this border mission.
View of U.S. soil from the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass, Texas.